Please note: Date and Time are estimates until SPC publishes it’s dates for Living History Days.
DVSS has attended South Park City's event in past years, and a grand time is in store. They have preserved a remarkable collection of buildings and artifacts from the Victorian era of the American Old West. The opportunity for excellent photography abound so wear your favorite Victorian-era clothing; they're not at all put off by our Steampunk-y presence.
Since they have limited parking - and it's a popular event - it's a good idea to arrive early; the museum opens at 9:00 am. You're welcome to arrive later, but expect to walk in from the neighborhood.
Plan for lunching on hot dogs and birch beer at the saloon, and we'll decamp to one of Fairplay's excellent restaurants for dinner.
South Park City's Living History Days are usually scheduled for mid-August or so; we'll change the date as necessary to accommodate their schedule when they post it.